Year: 2018

CO2 logistic platform for frozen goods in France

Customer: FDA2 (Frigorifique d’Ablis)  Logistics platform for frozen food Application: Transcritical DX CO2 refrigeration production of 240 kW with heat recovery for the unit cooler defrosting system (imbricated circuits of the coil). Cold room -23 ° C, dimensions 70m x 27m x 14m, about 27,000 m3. Unit equipment: 4 units of 62 kW each, with 10 row coil – 11 mm fin spacing PT 50bar / PS 45bar 5 brushless EC fans d. 630 mm wired in a general junction box with the possibility of...

R32 – Difluoromethane, the new refrigerant gas

Name: R32 (HFC-32) – Difluoromethane Type: Difluoromethane Chemical formula: CH2F2 ThermoKey microchannel core (TKMicro25), thanks to its high-quality materials and increased thicknesses, is already compatible with the new R32 and all the refrigerants, current and future ones, with operating pressure (PS) equal to 50 bar and inlet temperature on the gas side of the exchanger (TS) equal to 150 ° C. The advantages in using R32 Energy efficiency: with equal consumptions, R32 allows...

The return of CO2 as a refrigerant

CO2 use in ThermoKey To stay in line with the greenhouse gas emission reduction targets set by the regulation, ThermoKey has long since introduced CO2 as a refrigerant for the whole range of evaporators. The GWP indicator - Global Warming Potential - is used to measure the level of global warming using a CO2 scale divided in 100 years. The ODP indicator - Ozone Depleting Potential - measures the impact of pollutants in the ozone-sphere and it is equal to the ratio between the ozone reduction...

ThermoKey highlights at Chillventa 2018

Watch the full video now to visit this year’s stand and discover our news and highlights at Chillventa 2018, the main gathering for the international refrigeration community including the segments AC, ventilation and heat pumps. Why Chillventa? Chillventa 2018 was a resounding success. Once again, it saw significant increases in all trade fair KPIs. An increase of +10% to 35,490 trade visitors, around +4% to 1,019 exhibitors and last but not least, a 2% rise in display area make it...

Our systems meet hygiene certificate

What is Legionella and how does it spread? Legionella is a gram-negative bacillus, responsible of a severe infective disease called Legionnaires’ disease. Legionella survives in water and mud and it is transmitted by air. Moreover it has been ascertained its transmission by the air conditioning central system.   The Legionnaires’ disease is a pulmonary infection caused by the Legionella pneumophila bacterium, which name means exactly “Legionella lover of the lungs”. The name...

Power-J (V-Tower) Dry Cooler

The Power-J (V-Tower) is a series of drycoolers that can be equipped with the EPS adiabatic system. The EPS (Evaporative Panel System) is an adiabatic system with evaporative panels to reach higher specific capacity compared to a traditional Dry Cooler. The adiabatic system can operate in two ways: Water Saving: increased specific capacity when using H2O – (H2O when engine at maximum). Energy Saving: energy saving to help the fan (H20 immediately). The Power-J (V-Tower)satisfies the VDI...

Chillventa 2018

ThermoKey is ready for Chillventa 2018. We will be present at the Nuremberg Exhibition from 16th to 18th October 2018. ThermoKey presents at Chillventa its new solutions for HVAC and refrigeration markets.   Here’s what’s new this year at our stand: V-Tower A reliable and easy system which, thanks to its adiabatic control system, guarantees capacity and low impact on the environment avoiding aerosol set of problems. Archimede — New release The software for...