Location Elverlingsen Application Dry cooler for cooling down the turbine bearings and other power plant peripherals Models 6 x SJGH21090C – 1 x JGH2490CZ Total capacity 17.8 MW
Dry Cooler model: GL2490BZDHERFS Unit: 5 pcs, for a total capacity of 2.708 kW Dry coolers run with water cooled chillers. Chillers produce chilled water for air conditioning. Areas: administrative rooms, football players locker rooms, restaurants, cafes, VIP zones.
FIFA World Cup - Mordovia Arena in Saransk “Mordovia Arena” in Saransk guarantees additional comfort to organizers, sportsmen, participants and spectators during sport competitions Needs: to equip air conditioning in the stadium’s technical rooms: medical stations, refreshment points, press conference rooms, mixed areas, children play rooms, toilets and changing rooms. Solution: ThermoKey supplied 8 pcs JGH2590BZDQPAS for a total of 6184 kW
Customer:Cooperativa Frutta Castelbaldo S.A.C. Type of plant: Refrigerating cold rooms for fruit and vegetables Type of application:24 brine industrial unit coolers with stainless steel tubes and frame, total capacity about 1,000 kW
Customer: Masan Group Type of plant: Processing and storage plant for pork meat in Vietnam. Masan’s integration of a meat value chain, with a capacity of 1.4 million pigs per year. Type of application: 70 industrial unit coolers with stainless steel tube and AlMg 2.5 fins. The system uses NH3 refrigerant.
This is the Sport Hall of 100 Anniversary of Sports Club Cracow, alsocalled Sport Centre for the Disabled. The project started in Winter2016 and was officially opened in2018, May 18th. The Sport Hall consists of: 2 levels above and 1 level under ground and tribunes for 788 people (48 places for people on wheelchairs). Total space 5102 m2. Usable space 3711 m2. Volume 40825 m3. ThermoKey hassupplied for air condition applications 2 dry-coolers (very quiet) model GR2490.AZ4HW3EEbAF(EC)S...
Dry-cooler model SJGQ2890.CYS (calculated capacity 783,6 kW) This is quite a peculiar application since the dry-cooler works in reversed fluid temperature profile, dedicated to warmup the ground for the regeneration for the heat pump application. It works only between late Spring and early Autumn to prepare the ground for the further working season of the heat pump.
"Our turnover increased 11% for the fourth consecutive year. This allows us to plan investing on product development and market growth" Giuseppe Visentini, General Manager The purpose of a company is to generate a valuable product. A product with a value that Customers recognize. A value by a company who takes part in this challenge with the necessary commitment and passion. A value for additional efforts, that brings work and growth. All of this provides sustainability to...
We are expanding our sales worldwide network by opening a new officein Chicago, managed by Jose Garcia-Hernandez. Jose has been a pioneer in closed-loop cooling and has over 20 years experience in process chilling and cooling systems. ThermoKey North America LLC 161 North Clark St. Suite 1700 Chicago, IL 60601 Phone: 312-981-5052 www.thermokey.us