Month: April 2019

Pipe manufacturing – Plastic Plant Group

Client: Plastic Plant Group Location: Russia Application: pipe manufacturing Client's needs: control of temperature during the production of the pipes. ThermoKey solution: 2 pcs Dry coolers GH2490BZDVQRAFS. Total capacity: 1500 kW Added value: realization in a short time high-qualifty dry coolers
Controlling precisely the temperature in a greenhouse to recreate any type of cultivation condition


ThermoKey has supplied 4 radial unit coolers to Vs Cooling Engineering for the research center “World Horti Center” located in Naaldwijk, Westland. The center offers educational, research and presentation services for anyone active in the international greenhouse horticulture sector. The center benefits public health and well-being of people by providing solutions to social issues relating to water quality, food supply, food safety and sustainability. The glasshouse where our...


Read the ZeroSottoZero interview It has been more tha ten years that the Italian company ThermoKey, based in Rivarotta di Rivignano-Teor (UD), has specialized also in the manufacturing of microchannel heat exchangers, made in aluminium and of all sizes. Today it can boast of being the only Italian company that manufactures this type of components. The advantages of the microchannel core are many - states Emanuele Dose, ThermoKey Area Manager - First of all it allows a considerable...

Primary international food processing group

Client’s needs: guarantee fluid temperature control at the requested maximum temperature thank’s to adiabatic system (EPS) process cooling specific hygienic standards accurate EPS control correct water consumption ThermoKey solution: EPS (Evaporative Panel System) with complete regulation       Machines: 5 pcs SJGH21090CN/04Q2EAF(EC)(EPS)S – 1670kW per each unit) 6 pcs SJGH2890C1/04Q2EAF(EC)(EPS)S – 1369,30kW per each unit) Added value: excellent...


Location: about 30 km south of Oslo, Building: Norwegian Veterinary Institute’s new location. Top notch University facilities for education, research and development within the veterinary industry.  80.000m² of building. Purpose: Heat dumping from energy central that has 3 x Sabroe Nh3 chillers total capacity 2 mW.

ThermoKey riceve il Finanziamento POR FESR 2014-2020 per l’innovazione

Every day we work hard to be one of the most innovative and fastest companies in the market and thus meet the needs of our customers around the world by providing effective, personalized and reliable solutions. ThermoKey's competitive strategy is also based on the ability to define the best technological solution which best optimises the customer's economic investment, not only at the time of purchase, but for the entire life cycle of the product (Total Cost of Ownership). To keep this market...


ThermoKey has been chosen for the replacement of 3 existing dry coolers of another brand for the cooling of a Data Center in Amsterdam (Tot. Power 550 kW) NEEDS: Heat removal from the server room SOLUTION: 3 table type dry coolers equipped with 6 EC fans each – Fin thickness 0,15 mm