Month: April 2020

Covid-19 Update

From the very beginning of the current health crisis, ThermoKey continued to do its utmost to deal with this extraordinary situation and ensure a timely update on the development of its activities and on delivery times.   Considering the constantly evolving situation surrounding COVID-19, we kindly ask you to please turn to your usual contact person at ThermoKey for further information and updates.    We wish to thank you once again for the support you have been showing us...

ThermoKey: 30 years of made in Italy production

Here is the interview to our General Manager, Giuseppe Visentini, published on Il Piccolo, Trieste's main newspaper. ThermoKey's growth was possible thanks to its commitment to sustainability since 2011, and to its investment in products with a low environmental impact, which made it the only Italian company manufacturing recyclable aluminium remote condensers that require 70% less refrigerant. Heat Exchangers made in Friuli Venezia Giulia are used to cool Dutch...

Industrial refrigeration – Complete range of products

Refrigeration is the technique that allows the proper storage of food and pharmaceutical products, making them easily available at separate times and locations from the ones where they were been harvested or processed. The EMEA market for cooling units used for this purpose is worth about 200 million euros. The following is an overview of the wide range of ThermoKey's products, which can be used in cold rooms for: Preservation of fresh products Preservation of packaged products ...

TKArchimede – New release 2020

TK-Archimede 2020 is characterized by the introduction of new features, by the new price list valid from today, in addition to the implementation of some accessories and the solution of some bugs. Benefits: Introduction of new materials: possibility to select directly from the software new fin materials (as Almg 2,5% for condensers and drycoolers) Introduction of new accessories: possibility to select new fans for unit coolers  Introduction of new translations: implementation of...