Month: July 2020

Favignana, Sicily – Cooling the engine at the power plant

CLIENT: Sea Società elettrica Favignana LOCATION: Favignana, Sicily APPLICATION: Cooling the Deutz TBD 620 V16 engine at the power plant on the island of Favignana in Sicily. Machine: Machine model: GH2690.DNYVQRAFS POWER: Double circuits, LT=233 kW + HT=933 kW CLIENT'S NEED: Liquid cooler with stainless steel 304 casing , heat exchange coils with copper pipes and fins and C5I category anti-corrosion treatment (ISO12944) for very high durability in...


FIRST TRAINING MODULESmart cooling with the microchannel solution Thanks to the efforts of our team of experts on the microchannel, we launched the first training module of our TKAcademy which was dedicated to the "Intelligent cooling with the microchannel solution". Thanks to the interest met from chiller manufacturers, we want to further deepen the most technical aspects of our offer in order for them to be able to propose the most profitable solutions to their customers. For...

ThermoKey – 2019 budget

Today we were featured in the Messaggero Veneto newspaper, the most important in Udine, with an article about our 2019 P&L statement audited by PricewaterCoopers. Profits and turnover continue growing, and during the first half of the year the order entry was in line with the 2020 budget forecast. ThermoKey continues to grow: 2019 budget figures enable us to look at the future with confidence These are very positive figures for Thermokey, a leading Friulian company in...