Month: May 2022

Orcan Energy AG Cover

Orcan Energy AG – Kirchweidach, Germany

Orcan Energy AG Germany It is a modern imperative to reduce waste and to produce clean energy. Orcan Energy AG responded to this need and, thanks to its experience and know-how, ThermoKey has been involved with Orcan Energy in different projects in the industrial and power generation sectors. The Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) is a technology that allows to safely produce CO2-free electricity regardless of the type of waste heat source. It makes no difference what type of engine or turbine the...
Organic Rankine Cycle ENOGIA Cover Image

Béziers incinerator – Organic Rankine Cycle ENOGIA

Organic Rankine Cycle ENOGIA Wherever there are material and goods manufacturing processes, there are unit swhich, when operating, produce waste heat (unused heat streams) released by radiation, cooling fluids, exhaust gases or air. Sources of waste heat in industry can be furnaces, waste water from washing processes, drying or cooling processes, but also  refrigeration systems or the exhaust air from production plants. The industrial market is the one with the highest proportion of...
Stainless Steel Remote Condensers for a dairy processing industry in Scotland


3 Stainless steel Power-J Remote Condensers Special V-Type for Ammonia. Stainless Steel Remote Condensers for a dairy processing industry in Scotland ThermoKey has supplied 3 new design JVAKH2890B1 Q1E EP (EC) S. These special V-type remote condensers are provided with 16 fans each (900mm diameter) serving chillers that cool milk circuits for a total capacity of 2,5 MW. Stainless steel tubes, headers and weld-on connections; Hydrophobic blue fins; Painted RAL 7035 FeZn casing; Use...