Month: July 2024

LUČEBNÍ ZÁVODY A.S. – Silicone sealants manufacturing in the Czech Republic

Lučební Závody a.s., located in Kolin, Czech Republic, is a manufacturer of silicone sealants for a wide range of applications. High energy costs forced the modernization of the cooling system of the production line. The application requires the removal of almost 300 kW of heat for propylene glycol from 35 °C to 27 °C at a maximum ambient temperature of 35 °C, with an annual energy consumption of no more than 3,550 kW. The solution designed and manufactured by ThermoKey was a Dry Liquid...

Why Choose Stainless Steel Units?

When Stainless Steel is the Ideal Choice Stainless steel heat exchangers are crucial in environments where corrosion and temperature extremes are major factors. They are particularly effective in industrial applications using fluids like demineralized water, ammonia (NH3), or advanced nanotechnological glycols. Additionally, stainless steel is vital for environments prone to corrosion, such as food processing facilities (fish or cheese cold rooms), or where aggressive cleaning and sanifying...