Search Results for: covid

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Thermokey: Friuli Venezia Giulia’s refrigeration expertise on the front line against COVID-19

As news about vaccine candidates reaching phase 3 of the trial becomes more and more copious, ThermoKey company, which is 100% made in Friulia Venezia Giulia and international player in the closely related field of industrial refrigeration  for logistics and  preservation of vials, is ready to play its part. The company located in Rivarotta di Teor (UD) was chosen by an important pharmaceutical company engaged in the production of a Covid vaccine. “We are not allowed to spread...

Covid-19 Update

From the very beginning of the current health crisis, ThermoKey continued to do its utmost to deal with this extraordinary situation and ensure a timely update on the development of its activities and on delivery times.   Considering the constantly evolving situation surrounding COVID-19, we kindly ask you to please turn to your usual contact person at ThermoKey for further information and updates.    We wish to thank you once again for the support you have been showing us...
data centre render image

Data Centre: the challenge towards environmental sustainability

CONTEXT In 2020, every person on earth generated 1.7 megabytes of information per second. By 2025, the amount of data generated each day could reach 463 exabytes1. To store all this data it is necessary to extend the archiving space, thus expand and build new data centres. This need led the data centre market to be one of the few that did not stop during the period of the Covid-192 pandemic but rather to record a significant growth. The manufacturing market of these infrastructures can be...
confindustria udine vaccination campaign

ThermoKey participates in the vaccination campaign promoted by Confindustria Udine

confindustria udine vaccination campaign From the very beginning of the current health crisis, at ThermoKey we have been committed to doing our utmost to deal with this extraordinary situation and ensure the health and safety of our employees and their families, our suppliers, and our community. Today we renew once again our commitment by offering our employees the opportunity to get vaccinated against Covid-19 directly at the company headquarters for free. The workplace immunization campaign...

ThermoKey – 2019 budget

Today we were featured in the Messaggero Veneto newspaper, the most important in Udine, with an article about our 2019 P&L statement audited by PricewaterCoopers. Profits and turnover continue growing, and during the first half of the year the order entry was in line with the 2020 budget forecast. ThermoKey continues to grow: 2019 budget figures enable us to look at the future with confidence These are very positive figures for Thermokey, a leading Friulian company in...

ThermoKey: temporary suspension of operations

As is well known, due to the current Covid-19 health emergency the Italian Government ordered the closure of all non-essential activities, at a national level. ThermoKey must therefore temporarily suspend production until Friday, 3rd April, in compliance with the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of 22nd March 2020. The Sales, Technical customer support, and Service departments will however continue to be operational. We are committed to do our best to meet delivery times...