Результаты поиска для: covid

Covid-19 Update

From the very beginning of the current health crisis, ThermoKey continued to do its utmost to deal with this extraordinary situation and ensure a timely update on the development of its activities and on delivery times.   Considering the constantly evolving situation surrounding COVID-19, we kindly ask you to please turn to your usual contact person at ThermoKey for further information and updates.    We wish to thank you once again for the support you have been showing us...
Data Centre Highlight Cover Image

Дата-центр: проблемы экологической устойчивости

КОНТЕКСТ В 2020 году каждый человек на планете генерировал 1,7 мегабайта информации в секунду. К 2025 году объем данных, генерируемых каждый день, может достичь 463 эксабайт1. Чтобы хранить все эти данные, необходимо увеличить пространство для хранения, а, значит, расширить и...

ThermoKey: temporary suspension of operations

As is well known, due to the current Covid-19 health emergency the Italian Government ordered the closure of all non-essential activities, at a national level. ThermoKey must therefore temporarily suspend production until Friday, 3rd April, in compliance with the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of 22nd March 2020. The Sales, Technical customer support, and Service departments will however continue to be operational. We are committed to do our best to meet delivery times...