Geothermal electricity production Colombia

What is geothermal energy?

Geothermal energy is a stable source of energy that is obtained from the heat present in the earth’s subsoil. It is available and accessible in many parts of the world, but today it is a highly underutilized resource.

Geothermal electricity production Colombia

Environmental impact

Geothermal energy is a clean energy. Compared to other renewable energy sources, the absence of combustion processes contribute to the reduction of pollutant and CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.

Geothermal electricity production Colombia


Thanks to its privileged geological and geographical position in the Pacific Ring of Fire, Colombia presents excellent conditions for developing clean energy projects, with geothermal resources in the order of 138.60 EJ and 1,170.20 MW of electrical power.

Given the aforementioned high temperature gradients, geothermal energy sources can be found over a wide range of temperatures and are ideal for power generation with customer equipment.

producción electricidad geotérmica colombia



Energy & Process cooling


the installation of the units was done in 2 plants in Colombia. The first generates up to 72,000 kWh of electricity per month. It replaces 5% of the energy generated by fossil fuels and reduces greenhouse gas emissions by the equivalent of about 550 tons of CO2 per year. The second generates up to 43,000 kWh per month and makes it possible to reduce emissions by up to 350 tons of CO2 per year.


1415,68 kW per unit.

Client's Needs:

  • Condensing of innovative HFO refrigerant
  • Container-fit unit (both for transport and for installation)
  • Special flanged connexions

ThermoKey Solution:

2 Turbo-J condensers, model JVKL2890CN5W3EEP (EC) FS.

The units are equipped with 16 EC brushless fans and a fan speed controller that allows you to optimize energy consumption.

In addition, the V-shaped condensers are suitable for shipping and installation in containers thanks to the skids which facilitate loading operations inside the container itself.

producción electricidad geotérmica colombia
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